Okay.Sebenarnya tak macam tu.Takde kena mengena pun dengan chef celebrity segala.Just nak share the sudden change of my diet.From this-->
Morning:Nasi lemak Afternoon:Rice,Ayam goreng berempah,Kari gulai kawah Dinner:Rice, Ayam masak lemak Supper:Burger ramly.Okay terkejut tak?Ni menu tengah kaya lah ni which is 10 days after allowance came in.Heh.Hairan jugak rasanya setiap kali makan baca je doa tapi asal banyak sangat makan ni??Sedar tak sedar after years of this unhealthy diet..My cholestrol level jump to 7 which is considered very high.Normal cholestrol level is 4 if I'm not mistaken.
Actually this unhealthy diet starts because I was too excited to increase my weight.Tak tahan orang asyik panggil cekeding which is satu dua kali boleh terima but called u with that name in front of your teachers,friends and even your crush...ini memang tak boleh jadi.So terjadilah menu seperti di atas dan cholestrol level 7.Tapi badan tak lah naik mana pun.Spare tyre je lebih.HUKHUKHUK.So dengan ini saya bertekad biar saya kurus.Let people call me si keding,si kurus and what so ever as long as I know I'm perfectly healthy.
So start with this week..change my diet to this--->Morning: Cereal of the week-Honeystar+low fat milk+kiwi,Afternoon-Rice,Vegetable,Protein(this part is very hard because I don't like fish) Dinner-Oat+Fruit(for this week kiwi) and supper-Low fat milk.Lama mana tahan tak tahu lah.Persevere Ira!All I need is perseverance.Me and Kak Iffah my quest to the healthy life partner,also jog 3 times a week jugak tau.Bukan jaga makan je.hehhee...
Hope sangat boleh trunkan cholestrol level as well as my spare tyre yang tak larat nak sorok ni.Emm tiba2 malam ni rasa nak makan KFC.Opps.HIHIHI.Chow!